Endpoint Security

A good endpoint is like an airbag; it doesn’t get in the way until you need it

Our solution

Laptops, tablets and other wireless devices or endpoints are often the weakest links in corporate networks in the event of cyber-attacks. Hackers are exploiting this more and more frequently and creatively. Examples include insider attacks, fileless malware and cryptocurrency mining malware, just to name a few popular methods of attack.

Traditional antivirus solutions struggle with data traffic and the dynamic components of IT infrastructures, such as applications and ports. Moreover, most antivirus solutions quickly find it difficult to cope with the high number of phishing and other types of attack, which is why it’s so important to consider all the endpoint security factors for businesses!

An endpoint security solution contains the following components:

  • Next-gen antivirus based on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Endpoint detection and response (EDR)
  • Endpoint encryption
  • (Adaptive) authentication
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Endpoint management and policy enforcement

Kappa Data provides reliable, innovative solutions for endpoint security, in partnership with our technology partners such as WithSecure. We’re happy to help you with technical advice, training and guidance, so that your company and your customers can enjoy maximum protection.

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